Thursday, October 7, 2010


Tuesday is when the 192 General Assembly members of the United-Nations, gathered in New York, decide whether Canada is worthy of a seventh decade of service by being elected to a term on the exalted 15-member "Security Council".

Leading into this important vote, several observers here and abroad have noted that being elected to the U.N.'s Security Council is..."a prize Canada would have once taken for granted but which is now in some doubt." As a matter of fact the internationally respected news agency Reuters noted this week that in a somewhat uncharacteristic sign of strain within the world organization, our Foreign Affairs Minister, Lawrence Cannon, took time out of a routine speech to foreign ambassadors to blast Liberal Leader, Michael Ignatieff. I guess there's nothing quite like a cheap shot or two about petty internal political matters to gain the votes and confidence of the United Nations.

As I write, Minister Cannon is hosting a reception for U.N. Ambassadors at New York's storied Park Avenue "Colony Club" in a last ditch effort to salvage the embarrassment that Canada's loss in tuesday's Security Council choice would be to our nation's international image and reputation.

Never mind our political squabbles. It seems the nabobs of the United Nations may be otherwise pre-occupied selecting the planet's first "Space Ambassador" charged with the daunting task of greeting Earth's first alien visitors.

Lest I digress: If after a few Molson "Canadian" and a hefty serving of poutines at Minister Cannon's reception extra-terrestrials take-on an uncanny resemblance to Prime-Minister Stephen Harper. - It's purely coincidental!

It seems that we have already been surreptitiously visited by creatures from another world. Now the United Nations Organization is putting measures into place for an "official" greeting should the "others" choose to show themselves.

At meetings last week in Washington six former American military pilots testified that "aliens" have on several occasions starting about 1948, and again in 1967 and 1976..."deactivated British and U.S. nuclear missiles". The airmen want to press governments in the United States and the United Kingdom to recognize that long-standing extra-terrestrial visits are facts.

One of the men, Captain Robert Salas says: "The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and (he) can prove it."

Apparently that is why a Malaysian astrophysicist named Mazlan Othman is set to be tasked by the United Nations with coordinating the planet's response when these extra-terrestrials finally show themselves. Mrs. Othman heads the organization's secretive "Office for Outer-Space Affairs" - or in United Nation's lingo UNOOSA.

Noted British Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist, Professor Stephen W. Hawking has warned already that alien interlopers should be treated with caution: "The outcome for us would be much as when Christopher Columbus first landed in America, which didn't turn out very well for the Native Americans".

Jeez and we fret about winning a Security Council seat. Kinda puts rants about Michael Ignatieff into perspective doesn't it?

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